A Message to fellow Grade 12 Students


I think I can speak on behalf of most Grade 12s when I say that we feel an overwhelming amount of emotions—whether it’s nervousness, excitement, burnout, or a mix of everything—it’s safe to say that there’s a lot on our plates. So, I have compiled some of the best advice that I’ve heard here to hopefully help you out a bit in your last semester of high school.

1. Gratitude

Express gratitude through words and actions to those that have helped you along your high school journey before you leave them. Your parents. Your teachers. Your friends. Your coaches. Your mentors. Gratitude is a quality that is infectious and can help steer our future in a more positive direction.

2. Control what you can

A lot of us—including myself—are stressed out about universities, moving to new cities, leaving friends, families, and communities behind. To that, I say, don’t worry too much about something you can’t actively work on. Most of my uni decisions come out in late March. Am I stressed, seeing others already commit to their universities, while I still have no clue where I am going? Yes. But, there’s also nothing I can do about it. So, I try to focus instead on things I love to do—like volleyball and reading—to try and forget about these uncontrollable stresses. Things will come when they do. Don’t try to force anything.

3. Do what makes you happy

We’ve already passed the point in high school of needing to fit in with certain groups for a place to sit at the lunch table. For these last months, be you, unapologetically. Spend time on your weird passions and hobbies you’ve been putting off for a while, because, starting in university, you’ll get really busy, really quick again. Don’t waste these rare relaxing moments doing anything you don’t personally want to do. And finally, don’t feel the need to conform to what “celebration” and “having fun” means to others—celebrate and have fun how you want.

That’s it! Do what feels right to you. Whether we can’t wait to get out of high school or are really bummed to be leaving, we can all play our part in making these last 4 months memorable for ourselves and each other.

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