A Journey to South Korea: Day 3


This is the third post of South Korea tour, and this was the day I went to two places: downtown Seoul and the famous 63 building, which is in Seoul as well.

I went downtown because I wanted to a big book store to buy Super Junior’s CDs and luckily the book store downtown.

Since my hotel was in the south part of Seoul, I took line 2 on the subway and then transferred to line 5. The Seoul subway has a total of 9 lines and there are certain stations you can transfer to different lines and it will only cost the price of going one way. Just to be careful of which way you are going because you can get lost very easily.

In downtown Seoul, there is a park in the middle of the street and that’s for memory their great hero.

This is the statue of a famous hero – I don’t know the name because it was in Korean.

This is the garden in the park. There are many more flower gardens and there are many status made of trees as well.

If you look closely, you can see the image on this wall is made in the shape of the royal’s palace. This park is really close to the palaces.

After I hung out downtown, I went to the 63 building. It was given this name because it has 63 floors and is the highest building in Seoul. I took the line 5 subway and transfered to line 9 in order to get there.

The first floor of the building it has an aquamarine, a movie theater and an elevator that goes to the top of the building. In the basement, there is a wax museum which is where I went first.

This is “The Last Supper” and is all made of wax.

I think everyone knows who the lady is beside me.

Here are one more wax statue. She is a famous actor in South Korea.

After the wax museum, I took the special elevator to the top of the building and at the top there was an art museum. However my eye was caught by the scenery outside.

This ended day 3 in South Korea! I hope you enjoyed it!