A Day’s Dose of an Anecdote


An university professor’s anecdote:

“The strongest person is not the person who believes they are invincible. On the contrary, the strongest people admit they are weak, that they need to be loved, and that they are vulnerable. Indeed, these individuals reach out to their community, and realize they are part of something greater – they gain strength through realizing there is no shame in admitting they need to be loved, weak or are vulnerable. Instead, from this, we learn compassion – by acknowledging human frailty, we learn humility, empathy and love.”

Dr. Olaf Rieck, Wikimedia Commons

“Many may describe the journey of enlightenment with a mountain and a valley. The mountain top is point where we are the happiest, while the valley is at the point of lives where we feel the most depressed and weakest. This is true. However, enlightenment does not occur at the mountain top. No, it is at the valley where enlightenment occurs. At the valley, we learn our faults, we experience challenges, from there we learn forgiveness, we understand human frailty, and from there we grow compassion and we learn who we are.”