Lessons Learned


As my years of public school education come to a close, here are three valuable lessons I’ve learned from my three years of high school.

1. Failure happens. What matters is the response.

Disappointing test marks have shown me the limits of my preparation methods. But dwelling on shortcomings isn’t what will make a difference. It might take several attempts to achieve the wanted result, but it takes perseverance and a desire to improve in order to reach it. I’ve learned how to change and adapt my methods in order to succeed.

2. Being flexible significantly affects your perception of a situation.

Things don’t always go the way we expect them to. Sometimes, all that can be done is realizing that certain things can’t be changed because they are out of one’s control. Making the best of a situation releases the stress that builds up when looking at it from a negative point of view. Many times, inconveniences or disappointments are but small parts of our lives. Life goes on.

3. Stress and a lack of sleep definitely have a negative effect on your body, no matter how much you pretend and hope they don’t.

They make you more likely to catch a cold and decrease your focus. While it may sometimes seem that sleep just gets in the way of doing other, more productive things, getting a proper rest is more important in the long run.

Wishing everyone the best for what your futures hold. May you never stop learning.

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