Easy A an ‘A’ movie


Easy A is easily an A in my mind! I would definitely recommend it to every teen who loves a good comedy. I have a feeling it’ll be a hit; even Taylor Swift wrote about it on her Twitter: “Easily, definitely, absolutely my new favorite movie.”

The movie is starring Olive (Emma Stone) who lies about losing her virginity, which changes her reputation at her high school in a huge way. After admitting the truth to her homosexual friend, he convinces her to help him pretend that he’s straight. It skyrocketed from there, with high school boys reaching out to Olive for help.

There are quite a few twists, all of which caused a huge gasp to sound through the theatre!

I was surprised to see actress Amanda Bynes in the movie, because she “retired” from acting this summer and then, about a month later, “un-retired,” all via Twitter. She played a very religious girl who kinda hates Olive’s guts. Her character is dating Cam Gigandet (James of Twilight), whom I also was pleased to see.

Without pushing its message, Easy A is a lot more original than the usual high school comedy. The best movie I’ve seen in a long time.