Top 6 Kinds Of People That Comment On YouTube


To be honest, all of these 6 kinds of people can be labelled as ‘Haters’, even though they aren’t totally mean. They just try really hard to be mean. Anyway, this post is about the top ten people I always see in the comment sections on YouTube. Let’s get right into the list:

  1.  The ‘Hater’: This group of people are in all YouTube comment sections. They’re everywhere! We just can’t escape them. I can click on a cooking video and I’ll see the following comments: “Do you see how her hands are!? They are so ugly, I just lost my appetite! #SorryNotSorry” Then when you reply to them with ” Says the person with a waffle popping out of a toaster as a profile picture.” They get butt-hurt and start swearing at you! But the thing is, they’re so coward that they put asterisk’s and hashtags. I just ignore these type of people, they’re just a complete waste of time.
  2. The “Trolls”: These are the people that do these: ” What did the librarian say to the boy? Read More” Then you click ‘read more’ thinking that it’s actually the ‘read more’ sign. The other one is: ” 1. There is a hig bole, 2. You that read wrong, 4. You read that wrong too, You didn’t realise that I skipped the no. 3, You went to check and now you are  laughing’ No, No I’m not laughing, I’m upset that I have been fooled by so many of these comments.
  3. The “Percentage”: If you don’t know what I mean, here is an example: ” 75% about the video. 20% random. 5% these things.” I don’t get upset by these people, I just find these oddly satisfying. Well of course, unless they don’t add up the percentages correctly. Then I’m just angry.
  4. The “Funny Lists”: These are the comments that make me laugh sometimes and like them. The comments that go like this: ” 1.  I hate lists. 2. I hate people who asks for likes. 3. Like if you agree.” These are unoriginal comments. But YouTube is full of unoriginal comments, so what can I say?
  5. The “Up-Suck”: This person is always sticking up for this creator. That’s not a bad thing, but when they are doing something wrong you just can’t say ” I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU DO! YOU DO YOU! NO THAT’S NOT WRONG THESE PEOPLE ARE JUST HATERS! <3″ No…just stop.
  6. The “Supporter”: I am this person. I’m pretty sure many people are, when someone needs someone to be there for them. Many people will be. These aren’t the only supporters though, there is the aggressive supporter. You can say ” My favorite color is pink” and they would respond with ” You noob. We all know that mature people don’t HAVE a favorite color.” I’m just shocked when I see this type of people.