Things To Do When You’re Bored


Many people get bored at some point in their lives. Instead of sitting around and feeling the time slip away from you, here’s a short list of things you can do or choose to ignore.

  1. Remember your public library that you haven’t visited since your bookworm phase in elementary school? Go see what’s there.
  2. Have a pile of paper hiding under your bed? Sort through it.
  3. Still don’t know what the other side of your community looks like? Take a walk.
  4. Have a recipe bookmarked that you still haven’t gotten to? Make it.
  5. Don’t know what some of the buttons on a calculator do? Find out.
  6. Ever thought about writing a book sometime in the future? Make a plan for it.
  7. Still aren’t sure of what waste goes where? Learn about what’s garbage, recycling, and compost.
  8. Don’t know the difference between stalactites and stalagmites? Go down a Wikipedia rabbit hole.
  9. Have a rip in an item of clothing? Stitch it up.
  10. Don’t have a wind chime? Build an Aeolian harp.

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