Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review (Spoilers Included)


If you still haven’t seen Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 yet (its been a month!) there are some spoilers below that might ruin your experience!

It’s no surprise that Marvel’s most recent project, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (GOTG 2), was another massive success. It did well with critics, audiences, and gained quite a few big bucks in the box office.  However, is it as good as people claim it to be and how well does it hold up to its predecessor? I’m going to answer these two questions and give a little bit of my own opinion on the matter.


Story + Characters

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There is definitely a different approach taken here with the plot than the normal Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movie. This plot is mostly character based and shows the development of characters along with their relationships with each other. From Peter’s father arc with Yondu and Ego to Nebula and Gamora hating each other at the beginning to their eventual understanding of each other in the end. There are many other character arcs, all very important and impactful, that are present throughout the movie. Everyone is established and their personalities, goals, and relationships all grow as the movie goes on. The main plot of the story takes a backseat to this amazing story about these characters we all loved in the first film.

Almost every character we loved in the first movie is expanded upon in this continuation. One of the main reasons this movie is called Volume 2 rather than Part 2 is because these aren’t separate stories but interwoven tales that grow from one another. Characters like Yondu, Mantis, and Nebula are humanized and given back stories that explain their motivations and how they became who they are today. By the end of the film, the characters who you thought you would never look at again become some of your favourite parts of the film. This type of movie is very similar to Logan as they both focus on character building however this doesn’t take away from the plot or action. The movies themselves are very interesting and do not cease to bore. They tell tales of emotion rather than adrenaline.


A Comparison

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This isn’t a very easy thing to say however it must be said, I personally think that both are equally better in their own right. GOTG 1 contained a certain amount of surprise that no one was expecting, it was a movie about a bunch of random obscure characters formed into an even more obscure group. Who thought this was a good idea for a summer blockbuster? Whoever they were certainly got a raise because it instantly became a staple for a fun superhero movie that anyone can enjoy without needing too much knowledge from the comic books. GOTG 2 however will never have that type of surprise ever again, we all now expect this quality of movie making from Marvel. Almost every major superhero movie has now been held to that standard ever since GOTG 1. But this doesn’t mean GOTG 2 fails, it succeeds in a character building way that the first didn’t have time to establish or grow too much upon. GOTG 2 also proved better in other areas as well (colour grading, visuals, more time on story rather than introduction and a VERY strong villain) however this sequel had clear and powerful arcs that were truly beautiful. Overall I would say that GOTG 2 built upon the world and characters that the first movie established in such a way that it is personally a favourite of mine.



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Would I say you should go watch it? Yes! This movie takes the characters you love and builds upon them so much that you can’t help but just love everyone of them. If you’re a fan of the first then you definitely need to check out this amazing sequel. However if you are a first timer than you don’t need to worry as this movie doesn’t rely completely on the previous material and alienates you. As a movie I would say it’s one of my favourites and as a sequel I say it is cleverly and masterfully done. GOTG 2 is simply another hit for Marvel and we simply can’t wait for more of these amazing stories.

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