25 of the Best Cosplays from the Calgary Expo: Part 2


This post was delayed a little bit longer than expected however let’s not waste any more time! During the last weekend of April the annual Calgary Expo was held and within the wonders of geek culture. Amazing spectacles and figures of pop culture were all present during this enormous gathering of people who all share the same love for this medium of entertainment. Some of the most amazing people there were the cosplayers who showed off their love by creating costumes of their favourite characters. Here are 25 of the best cosplayers on Sunday that I had the pleasure of running into.

*Just a side note, I am not the best or near talented photographer and, being the amateur I am, I had also forgotten to ask for credit.*

  1. Doom guy

2. Heatwave and Captain Cold

3. Classic Optimus Prime

4. Bulma and gender swapped Vegeta

5. The Red Queen and Time (Alice Through The Looking Glass)

6. Logan aka the Wolverine

7. Captain Wade Wilson

8. Star-Lord with Baby Groot

9. The Boulder from Avatar

10. Worried gender swapped Reaper

11. Edward Scissor Hands

12. Storm Trooper

13. Doctor Octopus

14. Gender swapped Deathstroke

15. Darth Revan and Darth Nihilus

16. Demon Hunter WOW

17. Geralt of Rivia

18. Sim Characters (Sims)

19. The Wasp

20. An Incredible Family

21. Young Hanzo, Junkrat and McCree (Default Skins)


22. Devil May Cry, Dante

23. A broke Darth Vader

24. Hawkgirl

25. Star Wars Carbonite Freezing Wall (Most Likely Han Solo)


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