Do You Believe in Conspiracy Theories?!


According to, conspiracy theory is defined as “a theory that explains an event as being the result of a plot by a covert group or organisation; a belief that a particular unexplained event was caused by such a group.” I define it as “an eye-opening theory that could be totally true and makes you question everything you’ve ever known.” Seriously, after reading only a couple of theories I was so convinced. Some conspiracy theories are really far fetched but some actually make a lot of sense and could possibly be the answer… 

Ranging from fake moon landings to celebrity clones, conspiracy theories covers a wide variety of subjects. I have collected a few of my favourite theories that I think are super convincing and the most likely to be true.

Most of you guys have probably heard of the Mandela Effect, but for the people who have not, it’s basically something that we think happens when someone has a clear memory of a specific detail that never existed. It’s called what it is because many people clearly remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison when he actually passed away in 2013. This theory is bizarre because a majority of people report remembering the exact same things/events that never happened. For example, Febreeze is actually spelt like Febreze, but almost everyone had remembered it spelt the first way. That brings us to the theory that parallel realities do exist and we’ve been transporting between them without realising it, causing us to have glitches in our memories. If you remember it being the BerenstAin Bears, you may or may not have accidentally slid into a parallel universe because, in reality, it’s actually the BerenstiEn Bears. Other examples of the Mandela Effect include the monopoly man (he actually doesn’t wear a monocle!) and Curious George (he never had a tail!).


This theory argues that aliens have made a few trips to Earth, based on the unidentified flying objects shown in these ancient arts. There are pieces from different time periods that have the same spaceship looking object in the background. Coincidence? I think not. Realists say that the UFO’s painted in the art are representations of demon arrivals from the bible (since during the middle age, Christianity was what most artwork focused around) but what if during when the first bible writings were being written, aliens had actually visited Earth and scared all the humans into thinking they were demons, therefore being recorded in the bible as demons–instead of aliens–in flying saucers (chariots of fire). Hmm? Convinced yet?

*this is not meant to offend anyone of religious beliefs.

This theory lowkey ruined my childhood. It says that the characters in Winnie the Pooh are based on mental disorders. Winnie the Pooh has ADHD and obsessive fixation. Since Pooh is so careless, it is only fair to conclude that he has ADHD and his obsession with honey leads him to have obsessive fixation. Piglet is based on anxiety because he’s always so nervous and scared. Tigger has ADHD which explains why he’s always so hyperactive. Eeyore has depression. Don’t you notice that he’s so negative and sad all the time? He’s also blue because the colour blue is a representation of depression. Rabbit has OCD and that’s why he’s so obsessed with keeping everything a certain way and how come he gets so frustrated whenever someone messes up his carrots.  And do you ever wonder why Kanga is so over protective of Roo (her kid) and never wants him to go out? It’s because she has social anxiety, causing her to act that way. Finally, Christopher Robin has schizophrenia. His inner emotions are expressed by the imaginary characters in Winnie the Pooh.

So after reading a couple of these conspiracy theories… What do you think? Are you convinced?

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Credits to @conspiracypost.s on Instagram.