What’s Up With Marvel ANAD Part 1


If you call yourself a Marvel fan but don’t read comics (an MCU fan) you might not notice what’s been happening recently. However if you do read Marvel comics recently there have been dark times in the current line up of comics. While there have been some amazing issues and series the vast majority of issues and events have seriously been affected by the ANAD curse. You might wonder what curse I’m talking about but fear not, I’m here to tell you all about the curse. In this blog and the following 3 parts I will tell you all about the curse currently plaguing Marvel ANAD.


Event Fatigue

Image result for civil war 2Image result for x men vs inhumansImage result for monsters unleashed marvel 2017

The first part of the curse includes the event fatigue experienced by many readers of Marvel Comic. If you’ve been living under a rock for the past 2 years you wouldn’t have noticed the absurd amounts of crossovers and events coming out. After Secret Wars, which was a big deal and an all around great event, we have been bombarded with events! Right after Secret Wars we got Avengers Standoff, followed by Civil War 2, Inhumans versus X-men. Granted that the last one is still going on however all this happened during one year! Not only this but the year was riddled with crossovers and much more! It was a crazy ride however it seems that 2017 will be just as crazy with Monsters Unleashed, Secret Empire and another event recently teased. It seems that the onslaught of events will continue for now.

Conclusion (Part 1)

While it seems we can’t do anything but vent our anger and issues out onto the internet all hope is not lost. While it seems that there is no end to this madness in sight all we can do is hope Marvel realizes that we are done with all the events and starts to tone down the amount of events a year.

However, this is not the entire curse that plagues Marvel right now. Stay tuned for Part 2 in which I cover another part of the curse.