My Little White Cross-An Original Poem


I know a little white cross, somewhere in France

The grave of a little boy, in the meadows he used to prance

Come to me my child; sit at my knee

Let me mother you, as I once did, the day you opened your eyes: that long ago January

You loved the white roses, but you got poppies

My little boy who loved the rain

And now on his grave snow has lain

Whose gray eyes looked up at a blue sky

But under a gray sky, he died

Who wished for cap and gown, instead of khaki and gun

Oh my little white cross, among rows and rows of others,

Belonging to mother and sister and brother and father

Many of the crosses reside in the hearts of others

But one is enough for me,

My little white cross

-Kiana Baghban

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Kiana Baghban
Your normal 13-year old Late French Immersion student who loves music, reading, writing, debate, old things (vintage/retro), volleyball, long walks, and thunderstorms. A lover of Sinatra, Martin and Lewis, Crosby, Roza etc. etc. I believe that the world is a beautiful place and behind every thorn, there is a rose. Helping people is one of my passions. An introvert perfectionist and animal-lover. I want to make the world a better place by being a better person. "If you don't know the guy on the other side of the world, love him anyway because he's just like you. He has the same dreams, the same hopes and fears. It's one world, pal. We're all neighbours." -Frank Sinatra