Tips to Improve Writing Skills



writing trouble

Writing skills are one of the most essential requirement for academics, and communication. We communicate at work when writing a business letter, we communicate at school, social media, and many more places. Everywhere we communicate we use writing skills. Communication can be more effective with better writing skills. We use our writing skills also in academics. We are required to have 30-1 ELA for most university and college courses. Most people say that they aren’t good at writing essays and reading.

Writing depends on many different things, meaning that if you want to improve your writing skills you need to improve a lot of other things too. Sometimes it may happen that we think we wrote a very good essay and, we think we will get at least 70% on that essay but it turns out that we actually get 55%. Why is that? There are many reasons why this might be.

The Three Main Tips to Improve Writing Skills

1. Reading. Reading and writing completely depend upon each other. How does reading relate to writing though? When we read we are introduced to styles of writing, grammar, vocabulary and, punctuation. Some people hate to read though, so what are they suppose to do? Well, the answer to that is very simple. We should read what we like watching. For example if someone likes to watch comedy movies, they should read comedy books. I know its hard to read if reading isn’t your thing. I really hated reading too. I was really bad at writing essays and other things like short stories and many more. I forced myself to read something that I liked to watch. I love watching thrillers, so I thought of starting off by reading a thriller. Once I started reading I just couldn’t stop. When I was reading the book I read words that I didn’t know about. I used some of those words for my essay as vocabulary which had raised my mark by quite a bit. We need to know that reading might be boring but it not just improves our reading skills it also improves our writing ones too.

2. Planning and editing. Planning is very important to make your writing look better. Planning means brainstorming and, writing down whatever you can think of on a piece of paper. Planning allows you to build on your idea. Planning includes writing the thesis statement, examples that you will be using in the writing, reasonings, explanations, and evidence for what you are stating. Another very important part to writing an essay is editing. When we write essays we don’t notice the mistakes in our writing. If you read your essay over, after you finish writing the essay you will notice mistakes that you might have made. These mistakes can be, punctuation mistakes, grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, missing an indent at the beginning of the paragraph and many other mistakes. Trust me, to make your essay precise you should always plan and edit the essay.

3. Practise is another key point to getting better at writing essays. Practising means writing essays on topics that you are interested in. You can write about your favourite soccer player, your favourite place, your hobbies, and many more things. Writing about what we like, gives us more information to include in our essays. Practising gives us knowledge about vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation, and grammar. Practising gives us knowledge about the body structure. Practising allows us to know where we go wrong in writing essays related to school, and work. Effort always pays off. If we put effort into practising it will pay off.


Reading, planning, editing, and practising will always lead you to writing a great essay. These tips are the tips that I used to get to a great essay. If I hadn’t used these tips, I don’t think I would do well in ELA class. Writing well means better communication, profit and, good grades in school. Always remember that you can do it. You can achiever your goal no matter what. If others can do it, so can you.


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