Body Worlds Calgary- April 30th to September 6th


Ever wondered how muscles work? Ever wanted to know about human anatomy? Ever wanted to see authentic human specimens?? Your chance is NOW!

Dr. Gunther Von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS & The Brain exhibit is being featured at the Telus World of Science until September 6th, and you do NOT want to miss out! This is a fantastic opportunity to learn but also to have fun, and Body Worlds is a really sweet exhibit.

You can see authentic human specimens,  including whole-body Plastinates, organs and translucent body slices, which display how the body works and discoveries made. Make sure to go and see the Body Worlds exhibit because it won’t be around for too long!

For youth, ages (13-17), tickets are $22 on Monday to Thursday, and $24 on Friday to Sunday. Make sure you go see this exhibit, it’s TOTALLY worth it. It’s really cool, so bring along a friend to see Body Worlds and comment on how you found it!

For more information on the exhibit in Calgary, click here.