Should the City Hall Building be Restored?



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If you’ve passed by City Hall in the last few months, you may have noticed the scaffolding surrounding the front of the building. These were put up to protect passersby from falling pieces of sandstone as a result of the crumbling façade. This is only one of the many types of deterioration that the building is experiencing on its exterior.

Quotes for restoration of the building are sitting at around 34 million, a sum that will easily use up most of the 35 million set aside for restoration of heritage buildings in Calgary. The usage of the 34 million has been approved by City Council, but some people are wondering whether the restoration project is a good idea considering the current economic climate of Calgary.

Personally, I think this project is incredibly important to undertake, because the City Hall building is an important part of Calgarian identity. The building has huge historical significance and is considered a symbol of our city. Letting the damage get this bad is the reason why the cost of the restoration is so high, so leaving it any longer will only hike up the cost. In my opinion, it makes more sense to pay the costs now, despite the state of the economy, rather than wait for the economy to improve and pay the costs then, as they will only be higher. In addition, I think that it’s important to remember that if left too long, the building can reach a point of deterioration which is too difficult or costly to repair.

What do you think?


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