Nick Jonas makes a comeback


Very few people want to admit it once they reach their teens, but deep down there’s no denying it. Basically everyone passed through a Disney phase, at least once. Personally, one of my favourite shows was the Jonas Brothers. I loved the music they made as a band and was one of the disappointed fans when the band broke up.







However, Nick is back to making music and while it’s not the whole band back together, I’m still very excited.  With his new song ‘Jealous’ that recently came out and has been topping the music charts, it was no surprise that his performance of the song at the Billboard Music Awards on May 17th was ranked as the number 1 performance.

This doesn’t shock people at all. Although we didn’t see his guitar skills come into play, Nick really brought it with his outfit, dance moves and voice. The background visual effects were also phenomenal. I really can’t wait for his next performance and to see him go on tour. He really is making a come back!