What to see in YYC: Weekend Preview May 22-24, 2015


Weekend Preview

Looking for something to do this weekend?

You’ve come to the right place. Need a break from school or just want somewhere to hangout? Well, there’s lots of exciting events happening around the city and I’m here to share them with you.

1. Calgary International Children’s Festival

What: An all-ages event for people to participate in a wide range of interactive activities as well as attend some fantastic musical and theatrical performances. Goes from Wednesday, May 20 – Saturday, May 23.

When: 9:30am – 3:00pm from Wednesday – Friday, and 9:30am – 5:00pm on Saturday for outdoor activities. Times for indoor performances vary.

Where: Olympic Plaza and the EPCOR Center for Performing Arts, 205 – 8 Avenue SE

Cost: Free for outdoor activities, prices for shows vary.

What to Look Out For: There’s a number of amazing events to take part in, but LEO stuck out to me for its creativity and imagination. Check out this video:

For full details, check the official website: http://calgarykidsfest.ca/shows/

2. CBC Calgary Reads Big Book Sale


What: This is an annual fundraising event for Calgary Reads where you can browse through thousands of gently-used books that are for sale at super-low prices.

When: Saturday, May 22 and Sunday, May 23 from 9am to 9pm.

Where: Calgary Curling Club, 720 3 St NW

Cost: $2 admission 

What to Look Out For: If you’ve been looking for some new books to read, this is definitely the event for you. Additionally, on the 23rd from 6pm-8pm, kids are invited to wear PJs and enjoy some cookies and milk while they listen to readings from special guests.

For full details, check the official website: http://calgaryreads.com/book-sale-coming-soon/#more-2527

3. New Craft Coalition


What: A show and sale featuring work from a variety of local artisans, ranging from ceramics, clothing, artwork and much more.

Where: Festival Hall, Inglewood (1215 10 Ave SE)

When: Friday, May 21 from 4pm to 9pm. Saturday 10am to 6pm.

Cost: $2 admission

What to Look Out For: If you’re interested in art and fashion, I highly recommend you check out this event. Even if you don’t buy anything, I think it’s great to see the work that’s being produced by talented artisans in our own city.

For full details, check the official website: http://newcraftcoalition.com/


4. Much Ado From Nothing: Improvised Shakespeare


What: Put on by the theater troupe The Kinkonauts, these actors will improvise an original Shakespearean play based on an audience suggestion, featuring all the classic elements of sword-fighting, ghosts and according to them: “Lots and lots of tights.”

Where: The Birds and Stones Theater, 204 16 Ave NW.

When: Saturday, May 22 and Sunday, May 23 from 8pm to 9:30pm.

Cost: $10

What to Look Out For: I’m always impressed by an actor’s ability to come up with something witty and entertaining on the spot. If you want to see them in action, I’m sure this event will have you laughing all the way to the end.

For full details, check the official website: http://www.kinkonauts.com/event/much-ado-from-nothing-improvised-shakespeare-may-2015/

5. Concert of Hope


What: An exciting evening of broadway and opera with the proceeds of the events going to support Compassion Canada’s Child Survival Program in Nicaragua.

When: Sunday, May 24, 7pm.

Where: First Baptist Church, 1311 4 St. SW

Cost: $20 for students

What to Look Out For: I’ll actually be attending this event, so I’m extra excited. The night will feature a number of famous broadway and opera pieces from Phantom of the Opera, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Bizet’s Carmen and much more. While you enjoy the concert, you’ll also be supporting a charitable cause. A win-win situation!

For full details, check the official website: http://www.calgaryconcertofhope.org/


Hopefully there’s an event here that stuck out to you! These are just a few of the many incredible events happening around the city this weekend, and I hope you take some time to explore some new things in the Calgary culture scene.

Image Sources 
Calgary International Children’s Festival 

CBC Calgary Reads Book Sale 

New Art Coalition 

Much Ado From Nothing: Improvised Shakespeare 

Concert of Hope