What travelling to another country teaches you


Travel Blog 1

While sitting on the boardwalk right over the ocean in Barcelona, I realized that I was no longer the same girl that was at the airport just two weeks ago waiting in line to pass through customs. I was different, I was more mature, I was alive and most of all I was immersed by waves of happiness.

Our lives in North America are undoubtedly hectic and extremely fast paced, we really don’t have time to kick back and enjoy life, it’s all about work and money. Money being the driving force. We get so caught up paying our bills, buying grand houses, and expensive cars that time escapes us. We overwork ourselves physically and mentally to the point where enjoyment is just not an option. We don’t have time to be happy.

However while spending a few weeks abroad in Europe, specifically Spain, I realized that there was a drastic change in the quality of life of the people living there verses here. Yes, sure they didn’t live in big houses or have shiny black cars to show off with but they were happy. They spent their mornings in local outdoor cafes with people they love enjoying the weather; laughing and reminiscing old stories while creating new memories. Then their afternoon lunch breaks are spent out by the beaches, and evenings eating dinner leisurely, living each minute to the fullest.

Being a part of the European culture for roughly two weeks I learned three lessons that seem to have escaped me here in Canada.

Life is not about how much money you have or your status, it is about how you choose to spend your time. 

If you choose to spend your entire day working, you aren’t living. Time is of the essence, if you are constantly on the run, how do you expect to enjoy time?

Recognize that you have this time for a reason and enjoying it is not a crime. Leisurely having breakfast at a cafe instead of getting a to-go cup or going out on a Tuesday night for dinner with your friends instead of rushing home to bury yourself in more work isn’t wrong. You can’t blame yourself for actually living life right?

“Die with memories, not with dreams.”

When walking through the cobble-stoned alleys in Portugal, I saw these exact words graffitied on the side of a building and it couldn’t describe the culture there any better. People don’t dream to travel the world or go deep-sea diving in their retirements because they understand that they may not have a tomorrow, rather than dreaming they turn those aspirations into a reality and create long-lasting memories.

It is all about taking advantage of this moment right now; it’s not about waiting for the right time to come. There is never a right time, how can you even judge…your whole life will go by and you’ll still be waiting. Do what you want to do today, don’t wait. Time will keep going and you’ll be the one left behind.

Cherish yourself, there is nothing wrong in loving who you are and being confident about it. 

A lot of the time we fail to give ourselves the love and care we need. We get so caught up in other things that we forget about looking after ourselves. Whether that means taking time out of our day to go for a run or shopping just because we feel like it.

We focus on all the stuff we have yet to get done and forget about feeding our souls, we forget about doing what makes us happy because we put others before ourselves. There is nothing wrong with caring for others but how can you do that without knowing how to care for yourself? You too deserve your own love. Because if you don’t love yourself how can you expect others too?

At the end of the day you get to choose how you wish to conduct your life, don’t self-sacrifice your own happiness for everyday tasks that don’t even give you joy. Love who you are, what you are, and how you are. Live in the moment and make those dreams a reality. Don’t wait for the right time because right now can is your only time.