My top 3 favourite sci-fi shows


O R P H A N  B L A C K

 I will never regret picking this show up. I was skeptical (I always am) but the more episodes I watched the more I became a fan. It grabbed my attention from the very beginning with it’s creative and compelling story line. Now, if you haven’t heard of this show yet I don’t know which rock you’ve been living under.

The main character, Sarah (Tatiana Maslany) finds Beth Childs (Tatiana Maslany) in the underground subway who is a mirror image of herself, but before she can ask her what was up and why she had her face, Beth jumped the tracks committing suicide. So naturally, of course, Sarah picks up her bags and shoes, and goes on to assume her identity. In inserting herself into the woman’s life she puts herself in the middle of tangled and sticky mess. As the episodes progress the mess is unraveled. Orphan Black is a show revolving around the idea of clones and human experimentation. Can you get more sci-fi than that?

The story line is amazing but you know what make’s it absolutely phenomenal? The main actress Tatiana Maslany. She plays not one, not two, not three, BUT EIGHT CHARACTERS (and counting). It’s mind blowing because I often forget when watching an episode that it’s one actress doing four times the extra work. Then there’s the characters  Art and Felix. Gosh the entire cast is just so talented.

I 100% recommend this show. It is just absolutely amazing. Also, guess what? It’s a Canadian show. Who says we don’t produce good stuff.

[Not on Netflix | SPACE]




  This image says it all. I decided to watch it after hearing overwhelming amount of good reviews… oh boy where those reviews well earned.  The thing with this show is that you want to keep watching episode after episode but you also know you only have a limited amount of them. So you make up a plan to ration it over a long period of time. Then that plan goes ka-boom, you watch the entire series in one go, and you find yourself in a never ending period of despair.

I whole heartedly recommend this show.

Firefly stars Nathan Fillion as  Malcolm ‘Mal’ Reynolds, a captain in charge of an airship named Serenity with a makeshift crew that he picks up along the way. The world that Joss Whedon created here was exciting and enticing. It was an odd mix seeing a show that combined Old Western and Futuristic aspects but it worked. I am forever saddened that this amazing series never got renewed for a second season. The cliff hanger and the developed plot was surely leading to something spectacular.

To my fabulous surprise on one sunny day where I decided to stay indoors and brows Netflix instead, I found a thing. That thing, was a movie… picking up where the series left off. I sounded like a pterodactyl for a good five minutes. Serenity was a gem and a gift to the fans. I personally felt like it did give some resolution to a rather abrupt ending. Seeing the characters once more was really nice and the story did not fall short on expectations.

Just do yourself a favour, find out what you’re missing out on, and fix it.

[On Netflix]


M A R V E L ‘ S  A G E N T  C A R T E R

Peggy Carter will be the end of me.

You may have seen Carter before if you’ve watched Captain America. She was the gal that fell in love with Steve Rogers before he went super muscular and was crowned with his superhero title. What’s interesting about her as that she is not simply a love interest, a one time character whose only purpose was to support the main male character. Agent Peggy Carter is a highly trained individual in both the mental capacity and the physical. She will pummel who ever comes across her with a fist, a stapler, and  will make them regret ever underestimating her simply because she is a woman. That is a recurring theme in this show. She is a complete BAMF but her co-workers fail to acknowledge that because of her gender. So while Agent Cart deals with sexism, she is also solving the SSR’s case for them. This show screams “Girl Power” and it’s amazing. Peggy Carter is a fully realized female character. Her gender is definitely a major player in the plot but she is also recognized as an individual with personal missions and goals to conquer.

“These love scenes are so awkward ” @HayleyAtwell

The show is set in the 1940s so if swing music is your thing than you should definitely check this show out. The first song they played was “That Man” by Caro Emerald and it was like I hit the ‘Deal’ button. I knew from that moment that I was in it for the long haul. The ’40’s asthetic was undeniably an aspect that really drew me to this show. From what we know from the “present day” Marvel (Captain America, Captain America: Winter Soldier) and the past (Marvel’s Agent Carter) Peggy Carter had a very full and rich life. I’m dying to find out her story and seeing the gaps in the overarching story line fill little by little.

On a side note, you might want to follow Haley Atwell on Twitter. She is killing it over there.

[Not on Netflix | ABC]



For the fun of it, here are two other shows that you might want to have a gander at:

T H E  1 0 0

Another blogger, Audrey Niksic, did a post on the show when it was new. Check that out over here. From what I gathered from people who are all caught up (I haven’t started watching the second season) the plot gets more intense and more interesting.

[On Netflix | CW ]


M A R V E  L ‘ S  A G E N T S  O F   S  H I E L D

Another Marvel show? Yes they tend to be amazing. This show is absolutely lovely and I’ve come to find some of my favourite characters coming from here. It’s a must watch for any Marvel fan. If you saw the first Avenger’s movie and like myself, felt deeply saddened by Agent Phil Coulson’s death (maybe even cried), then I have more uplifting information than a face lift… HE’S ALIVE. Lovable “Son of Coul” (Thor humor) is back but not without consequences.

[Not on Netflix | CTV]