The great winter sport debate: skiing vs. snowboarding


Jasmine K.

Imagine a cold winter breeze rushing past you as you glide down a steep hill you know is bound to have loads of obstacles and adrenaline waiting for you. This is the sensation drawn from two thrilling winter sports: skiing and snowboarding.

Although many may not enjoy the stress on one’s ankles and legs when controlling a snowboard or pair of skis, these winter sports are commonly celebrated and enjoyed in the snow-bound regions of Canada. Perfect for the family and almost any age, skiing and snowboarding proves to be an appropriate recreation for frigid weather. Which one, however, out of snowboarding and skiing, is a more suitable choice?

Skiing is a recreation where a person equips themselves with boots that hook onto two thin boards and maneuver the boards down a slope covered in snow. Even though the description may seem measly and vapid, gliding and maneuvering your way down a difficult ski hill proves to be full of adrenaline. Particularly pleasurable obstacles found on ski hills are things such as mogos, hidden forest paths and tunnels. Skiing is also simple to acquire skill in as all the knowledge you are needed to be equipped with is how to bring yourself to a halt, how to equip your ski equipment and how to turn. Basically, after learning these steps, you are set to journey to the top of any mediocre to intermediate hill to ski. If you are looking for a challenge though, there are other tricks and assets that can be added to your knowledge to further extend your boundaries. In all, skiing is an easy-to-learn package of fun for a variety of people. If you are looking for a challenge and harder ride down the hill, there is another alternative.

Snowboarding is when both of your feet are strapped onto a larger and thicker board. One difficulty is when you board a ski lift, you must unstrap one to travel (if you are not travelling downhill). At the top of the hill, you must restrap the boot onto the board and jump forwards (if you aren’t on a slope) to get going. Despite the difficulties setting up, however, snowboarding is a thrilling sport, and requires a consumer to have control. Through experience, many have said that snowboarding can be more difficult to learn and play, however, snowboarding proves to be a perfect choice for people looking for a challenge. In general, it’s a recreation designed for persevering personalities and younger ages as the sport is difficult but, if learnt properly, enjoyable.

For those who can’t decide which sport to choose when travelling to the mountains for the winter holidays, which one suits your preferences better: a family-friendly sport that’s easy to pick-up, or a thrilling and challenging ride? Either way, snowboarding and skiing are both great ways to enjoy your winter season.