Kisses & hugs (Dean’s playlist)


There’s something special about a kiss. Now before you click away thinking, “Oh eww, he’s gonna talk about kissing or something,” it’s not like that… Ok, maybe a little. When I say that there’s something special when it comes to a kiss, I am right because compared to a hug, it takes a lot of courage for both you and the person receiving the kiss. Hold your breath as you take a listen to Kiss by Sam Kang and Tiffany Chung as the kickstarter to my new mini-series Dean’s Playlist, a weekly post where I take you into my musical world, share a story, and tell you about why I love my playlist of songs that you may or may not know about.

I love this song a lot and last year, when I had been dating my first girlfriend, I sung this to her. I was always used to singing in front of small to large groups of people, but never to just one person. And obviously, I did love this girl so I was willing to step out of my comfort zone for two-three minutes just for her. She was the first girl I serenaded, as well as the first person I ever sung to without anyone else being there but her.

When people think of a kiss, they will often associate with a lips kiss. I won’t lie, when I was younger, that’s what I would often do. But now, you and I are so familiar with kisses like:

  • Cheek kisses (cute and friendly pecks that can be given by most friends comfortably; summarizes to “we’re good friends and I can do this without it being awkward”)
  • Forehead kisses (sweet and intimate kisses that surpass the friendly intimacy of a cheek kiss, but doesn’t go any farther; summarizes to “I trust you”)
  • Nose and chin kisses (these are too cute to react to. Like, if you get kissed on the nose, what do you do, and do you even want to do anything?)
  • Neck kisses (recall a kissing scene in a movie and then remember when one of the characters kisses the neck. Yeah, you’re basically golden)

Regardless of however the kiss may come, when you kiss someone, it’s easy: you’ve reached a whole new comfort zone, my friend. Not that many people are open to something as intimate as a kiss. It seems weird to think about and you might not know how you feel or how they feel after the kiss. And so, most people will go for a hug instead.

Having your arms around somebody when you hug them, it feels really good, right? You’re near the edge of your comfort zone and you enjoy it. You get to feel their heart beating if they’re hugging tight enough. You exchange an intimate warmth. You feel closer to them just by one hug. Now replace a hug with a kiss: you have not just crossed your comfort zone, but you’ve created a new one. Your heart beats with them, and it’s actually beating pretty fast. There is a warmth unlike everything you or they have ever felt before. You don’t feel closer to them anymore because you already are closer than anybody else. While the warmth of a hug fades quick, the fire in a kiss, even the memory of one, burns for days.

Toss the science of a kiss out the window and realize the fact that when you kiss someone, you’re getting extremely close to their body, their soul, and their heart. Note that you’re taking a pretty big step yourself. If the person you’re giving the kiss to accepts it, then they trust you. They acknowledge that you are one of the many amazing people in their life who is willing to risk for them, and they’d be nothing without you. Peck any friend or parent on the cheek, plant a forehead kiss on a sibling, or give a passionate kiss on your lover’s sweet lips, and here’s what you’re telling them:

“You can let me in. I won’t hurt you. While this world might hurt you, I’ll be the one to keep you safe. I’m not leaving you alone.”

I like issuing a challenge to you and my fellow YAA friends, so this week’s challenge to you is to kiss someone. Kiss your mom or dad on the cheek, showing that you appreciate them for all that they sacrifice for you. Share your love for your sibling or best friend by pecking them on the forehead: they might find it weird, but they’ll like it. If you have a special someone, then give them the warmest, sweetest, and longest kiss on their lips the next time you’re with them. Believe me: it’s something special.



Image Sources: (Feature Image)