What YAA Loves About Fall: Reminiscing About The Summer


Now that we’ve had a few weeks to settle back into the routine of getting up, going to school and doing it all over again the next day, we kind of need a bit of a pick-me-up, now don’t we? This time of year is perfect for revisiting fond memories of he summer that lead us here in the first place.

In a sense, this is a bit of a lead-up to the Thanksgiving season, because we’re stopping to think about the good things that occurred in our lives over the course of the beautiful, school-free months we call summer. It’s really nice to just stop for a minute, no matter how you’re feeling, what your day’s been like, to reminisce about the summer and all the happy things that came along with it and to be thankful that they happened, even if they did have to end.

VacationI hate to put it this way, but taking a minute to think about summer and all of the fun we’ve had and great memories we made helps also sort of helps us put them behind us, helping us to focus on the task at hand: school. Think about it; if we keep ignoring that little voice in our heads telling us to just stop what we’re doing an go do something that’s actually kinda fun, we’re eventually going to go insane. Or maybe that’s just me. In my life, I need to take time to relive the good moments, because otherwise I’m never going to accomplish anything because of that nagging temptation to put my work to the side even when I know that I really shouldn’t.

So just take a minute to think back on the summer! Fall would not be what it is if it weren’t for summer coming before, would it? Not only will it help you to have a sometimes rare happy moment, but it can also help you to move on and put your focus into what needs to be done instead of getting sidetracked by inconsequential thoughts. Have an amazing autumn, everyone.

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