Why you should try to be in the school play


10001117_235419996650364_475038999_o_FotorGrade 10 is scary. You’re thrown into a brand new building, often with over a thousand other hormonal teenagers, and often on your own, with friends going to a different school or maybe hanging out with a different crowd. Like, honestly, who came up with this whole “high school” concept? Who decided that putting kids into a social nightmare sounded like a good idea?

So now the question is… how do we get through these three messy years? For many, including me, the answer is the fine arts. I’d definitely call myself a drama geek. Or a choir nerd. Or whatever other term you wish, because I love performing and I’M PROUD OF IT.


Now, back on topic… I know I’m going to be sure to audition for the school play, but…

Why should you try to be in the school play?

  • To make friends (or at least meet new people) – Yeah, yeah, I know how cliche that sounds, and how tired you are of hearing it. But think about it: what better way to make friends than to be thrown into a group of passionate individuals, all working together on a common goal. And let’s be honest, a high school play includes a LOT of rehearsal time, which means your fellow cast could soon be your second family.
  • To gain self-confidence – Theatre is a foolproof way to loosen up and get comfortable with yourself, your body, and your voice. If you truly invest yourself in theatre, holding back is not an option. And the only way to get into the habit of being self-confident is to practice, practice, practice, and through drama, it’s kinda forced upon you (with all the best intentions).
  • To learn skills – Performance skills, memorization skills, vocal skills, reading skills, the list goes on forever. Particularly, auditioning will give you skills to a) audition in the future, maybe in a more professional environment, and b) rock an interview for a job/university/etc. Basically, there’s nothing to lose and SO much to gain.
  • To be involved – Let’s say you don’t get cast. You still took action to be a member of your school community, and to be a part of what’s going on. If, however, you do get a role, you then get the chance to actively be engaged with the peers, programs, and staff at your school. Plus, when the final performance comes around, you’ll be entertaining and enlightening your school community, which I would say is definitely “getting involved”.
  • Because academics get boring – Yep, I said it. School can be boring as heck, and I don’t know about you, but I’m looking for a way out of that. And performing is a sure way to spice up life a bit. Maybe being in the school play will lower your resentment towards your academic prison 😛
  • To get a picture in the yearbook – For some strange reason, this idea motivates me. Obviously you shouldn’t join a play just for this, but hey, it’s a benefit.
  • Even if you don’t get in, it was an ADVENTURE – As many famous quotes go to say, you won’t regret the things you did do as much as the things you didn’t do. It’s way too easy to go by, day to day, without causing any (positive) commotion. Don’t let your high school life be mediocre or a total bore. So YOLO, seize the day, pounce on opportunities that come your way, even if they don’t result in any achievement.
  • Because DRAMA is FUN
  • Because WHY NOT?

Are you thinking of auditioning? Are you nervous? So am I. So is probably the majority of people considering auditioning. The only solution is to do your best and remember: there’s nothing to lose, but so much to gain. ***EVEN IF you don’t get a role in the play***