Study… AND Go Abroad; Get the best out of your post-secondary experience

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Wondering what to do in your post-secondary? You may be stuck on deciding to travel or studying right after high school. Study and Go Abroad is an amazing opportunity that allows you to do both. If you are looking for work experience, volunteering or internships in a foreign environment, make sure to visit the Travel Zone.

Study and Go Abroad is holding a fair here in Calgary, among other cities, on Sept 28, 2014 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the BMO Centre at Stampede Park for anyone interested. Admission is free and there will be free seminars starting at noon. You will get to meet representatives from elite universities from all around the world. Check out their website here for more details and to see more hosting cities. Learn how you can study an undergraduate program in Law, Medicine, Business and much more in top-ranking universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Caribbean, Spain, Israel, and Hungary. 

By travelling, you will get to learn who you are as a global citizen. Experience culture at the same time you are working towards your undergraduate degree. You will get once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to build connections and to explore. Stop wondering and take action. Let your post-secondary education be what you want to make it.