Awesome Artists: Penny Candy Studios


Awesome Artist(Original Image)

I have a passion for design and making things look pretty, and not being a very good artist is basically the bane of my existence. Many people tell me I have amazing writing, I can doodle designs and make beautiful posters easily, but for some reason all my drawings end up looking like I did them blindfolded. Being able to make art is truly a gift, something that can brighten up another person’s day and allow you to connect on a level deeper than words can convey. When you take this type of talent and add in positive reinforcement, it just makes the message all the more powerful and sincere.

The internet can be an amazing place where you discover encouraging messages and people sharing their passions. Yes, despite all the terrible things your parents warned you about on the internet, there are actually people who care about and want to encourage you. People such as Penny, who make amazing digital pieces of art work, try to inspire positive body image and acceptance no matter who you are.


(You can find the original image and buy the print for it here!)

The image featured above is simply titled “Be You” and in our day and age, that seems harder and harder to do. With so many people, especially the media, trying to tell you who to be and what to do with yourself, it’s hard to know how to be ‘you’. But Penny thinks that doesn’t matter. Even if you don’t know who you are, you are still rad. No matter what you do or who you choose to be, you should do so in confidence.

More of Penny’s awesome art can be viewed on her Tumblr page, and you can also purchase her prints from Storenvy.

Although I’m sure people mean well when they do so, there are relentless ‘confidence’ tips for ‘issues’ that don’t really matter. Magazines will try to tell you how to embrace your ‘natural look’ without makeup, others will try to convince you that shaving will make you feel more confident when going sleeveless. Well, none of those things is going to improve your self-image if you don’t accept yourself either way.

Just find what makes you comfortable and what makes you happy. If you don’t know what that is, try out different things until you do. I might start sounding like a broken record after all the posts I’ve made regarding a positive self-image, but I quite honestly don’t think that people can be told enough. True beauty starts when you realize it for yourself and start showing it from the inside, out.

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post, and my opinions are completely honest.