The story of Mr. Ug and Wind


I have always been a fan of Vihart, a YouTuber who explains math in fun ways that are easy to understand. If you are looking for an educational way to pass your time and have a passion and interest in math, subscribing to ViHart and taking a look at her posts is definitely worth the while. In this video, ViHart takes one of math’s most interesting three dimensional shapes and creates a story out of it. Warning: The video will leave you hanging.



**Spoiler alert: In case you are too lazy to figure out the fundamentals of a mobius strip, the answer to the story is really simple: Wind will find her dog again. How? When her world (the mobius trip) is split in half, the one twisted loop becomes another, larger loop. The reason why Wind never saw Mr. Ug was because their world was a see- through mobius strip. If you ran your fingers along one of the edges of a mobius strip, you would end on the other side, no matter where. ViHart used this law/rule to create this story in which the world was flipped whenever Wind tried to get to the “other side” of her world, which only really had one side. **

I really liked this story for its creativity and the geometry/math aspect to it. Some of her projects include silly, but fun,  inventions such as hexaflexagons, insightful and profound thoughts on the ethics of pi and infinity, arranging your mash potatoes so you can achieve the max amount of gravy on your plate, and many more inspiring projects. For more videos from ViHart, check out her channel, or subscribe here:

For a little more on mobius strips:


This is a photo of
This is a photo of a mobius strip. In this scenario, it is used for a never ending game of mario.


This is a photo of jewelry that incorporates a mobius strip. I think its an interesting concept, because it uses the mobius strip to highlight the meaning enscribed on the inside: "We shall become one." (the mobius strp only has one side but seems to be two).
This is a photo of jewellery that incorporates a mobius strip. I think its an interesting concept, because it uses the mobius strip to highlight the meaning inscribed on the inside: “Two shall become one.” (the mobius strip only has one side but seems to be two).