Five bizarre things we did as kids


Didn’t we all do really strange stuff when we were younger? Some of my fondest memories come from doing things that I would probably not be caught dead doing now. With all this childhood nostalgia, here is my list of the top five odd things that most of us did as kids. Hopefully you can relate to it!

1. Avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk

Pretty much every kid to ever exist has done this at least, well, a million times. I remember as a child my father telling me the rhyme, “Step on the crack, break your mother’s back,” so I paid extra attention to avoid the cracks!

2. Using empty wrapping paper/paper towel rolls as swords

Empty paper towel tubes were the ultimate in childhood weapons, no questions asked. But the moment when our parents told us to stop messing around and put the tube down was always the worst (I can’t possibly be the only one that happened to).

3. “The floor is lava!”don't touch the floor

Ah, what a classic. This one sort of explains itself; the game of jumping over furniture and other obstacles while trying not to hit the floor, as it would mean a fiery and painful death. Some day, I’d like to gather a group of friends just as passionate as myself about this silly game and play the ultimate round.

4. Drinking grape juice as wine

There’s nothing like drinking plain old unfermented grape juice out of a wine glass to make a kid feel classy. Heck, it didn’t have to be grape juice, it could be pretty much any kind of beverage; pop, water and even milk could do the trick.

5. Pushing down all the colours on multi-coloured pens

…Which usually resulted in totally jamming the pen, am I right? Not that something like that would deter us from trying it again to see if it would work THIS TIME. Oh, did we ever learn?

Sometimes I miss the simpler times, where we could just make up something random and call it a game, or use household materials in rather unconventional ways. Our childhoods shaped who we are, no matter how strange we were.

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