What does graduation mean to you?



You’ve worked hard all year (or not worked at all) and now, graduation season is approaching. From the end of May to June, most high schools will be having graduation ceremonies to celebrate the achievements of their Grade 12 students. Whether graduation signals the end of school torture, or the beginning of success, it is a time for all students to ask yourselves: “What does graduation mean to me?”

For myself, Grade 12 has been a variety of ups and downs, filled with surprises and disappointments. I am still not sure of what to expect come September, but I hope it will be just as amazing. While I will be going into post-secondary, others may choose to take time off to travel, go into the workforce, or start a new business. Graduation means having your high school friends together one more time, before we say separate into our own ways. Looking back, it is these people that have shaped who you are the last three or more years.


I have always tried to take graduation as a time to focus on the now, not the future. As excited as I am for university and the summertime, I wont be able to enjoy my last months in high school if I do not focus on them. Try to experience something new, pickup a new hobby or just spend quality time with your friends. Grade 12 does not just have to be about marks and tests, it can also be a celebration of your life so far.


What does Graduation mean to you? Comment below!