Five websites to learn new skills



If you love to be in the kitchen and spend most of your time there, then is the website for you. The variety is endless. You can learn new skills and new dishes that are so delicious and amazing. If you are ever bored, this website is one to check out.


If you have never taken a sewing class and are now sitting in your room pondering on what to do with your ripped blouse, is the way to go. This website is not only for when you have ripped clothes or fallen buttons, but also just to learn new skills. Who knows, you may have an inner designer in you just waiting to come out. This website is sure to guide anyone through the basics of sewing, which can turn you into a master pro in no time!

3. CPR

Life skills are all about knowing the basics of life, right? So if you don’t have time to undergo an actual CPR course, at least you will know the basics, although you cannot necessarily get certified online. However, it doesn’t hurt to know! If someone is in danger and no one is around to help, you could at least save the day, and a life! But, you should not do CPR on anyone unless you feel comfortable. Knowing the information doesn’t hurt, because you can always help or guide someone who is anxious, but has their CPR certificate. So to learn these valuable skills, is where to go.


Who has ever though about a self defense class, but just didn’t have enough time or money to do it? There is a quick fix for that: has many basic self defense tips that will make you feel more confident walking home alone at night. It doesn’t matter what age or gender you are, it’s always great to know what actions to take in a dangerous situation. In reality there is no superman, which is sad but true! You can also get exercise, and learn more valuable skills. So try self defense instead of your regular cardio routine, because it could save your life!


Now I saved the best for last: There are millions of things out there to learn, so why be ignorant? Learning is usually fun. However, by visiting this website you can save a lot of time in the future when you have to do something and you already know how. You should always search up skills that interest you, and there are plenty of pages to scroll through, so the possibilities are endless!

What do you feel like learning today?