Quote of The Day: Weirdness by Dr. Seuss



Dr. Seuss is a genius. I grew up reading his stories and until recently, I don’t ever recall ever reading this. I’m a considerably odd person, but then again, it is impossible to create a standard for “normal.” It’s so interesting to think that in relationships, whether they be between friends, family or significant others, understanding, respect and ultimately the quality of said relationship is dependent on how people interpret and react to others’ quirks. Not being something that we normally think of in out day to day interactions, the ways that other people react to certain situations defines to us who they are and what we think of them.

Human interaction and attraction are subjective to those they involve, so in a very real way, Dr. Seuss has is right. When we find people who’s ways complement our own, we have a special connection that cannot be replicated, as we are all individuals with different perspectives, outlooks, ideas and habits.

So be proud of your weirdness! Because, you know, there’s always someone out there who loves you for it, whether you can see it or not.

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