The 100 Happy Days Challenge



100 Happy Days is a challenge created to benefit you. Basically, all we want as people in life is to be happy, not matter who you are, where you are from or how much money you have. We all want to be happy, but let’s face reality here, things happen, not always good things. Things that make us sad, mad, disheartened and that happens quite frequently. So instead of focusing on the upsetting things in life why don’t we focus on the little things that make us smile, things that make us happy?

The 100 Happy Days challenge was made just to do that. For everyday of the next hundred days, take a picture of what makes you happy-it can be anything from having a coffee with a friend to a picture of your Starbucks peppermint mocha and post it on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter for 100 days! Hashtag it #100happydays.

Then once you have reached and fulfilled your challenge, on the 101th day, look back on all the little things that have made you happy. Perhaps even create a scrapbook of memories!

71 per cent of people do not complete this challenge. Be the 39 per cent who do fulfill this challenge. Allow yourself to be happy, enjoy the little things in life because who knows what will happen in the future. It’ll create long lasting affects, so take a chance, change your life.

I myself have taken part in this challenge and am in the early stages of my own journey, I urge you to do the same! Cherish the happy moments in your life, they are the ones that count!

For more info or to sign up go to:
If you want to be apart of my journey follow me on Instagram: @splendiferousxx

Stay Happy! XX