My mom is on Facebook?


For a lot of youth, Facebook is a website to interact with their fellow peers and a way people learn about you, and at times, make judgements whether they like you or not. It is also a place that many teens consider a “parent-free zone” so they believe they can post what ever the feel like and act however they want without parental guidance or supervision. Honestly, I believe in many cases it is used as a popularity scale. If you are cool your profile will tell me, if you aren’t goodbye – totally not worth my time. But is this right? And what affect does this have on teenagers, when we are at the age where we believe that our peers opinions matter the most? What does this make youth do on this specific social media website?

We have heard of thousands of cases where teens put up inappropriate and unsophisticated pictures, videos and posts on Facebook, but would they do this if perhaps a parent was on Facebook? Is this who they really are? Obviously not. Without having any adult figure supervising, Facebook is an easy place to bully, defame your own reputation and basically act stupid. But once there is adult “supervision” would any of this be happening? So why is it that when parents are around, youth seem to have amazing character but once they are gone it all disappears? There are many answers to this question, including peer pressure. But I personally do not believe that Facebook should be a popularity ranking scale. It isn’t a place where being fake and superficial should be allowed. Don’t let Facebook become Fakebook.

Don't let peer-pressure turn your profile to FAKEBOOK, be real.
Don’t let peer-pressure turn your profile to FAKEBOOK, be real and make intellectual decisions.

The phrase “My Mom IS ON Facebook?!” should not startle youth. It shouldn’t ever bother them because if we are implementing good character, what should we worry about? For many, that phrase is equivalent to having a heart attack, but should it be? Facebook is not your personal diary for one, and secondly if you think that, well you are in some massive trouble in the future when your employers do a Google search on you.

If you are startled like her ^ you are doing something wrong.
If you are startled like her ^ you are doing something wrong.

Bottom line is before you post anything think about this: If an important adult figure in my life saw what I am posting would they be disappointed, or would they approve?

Now I’m not saying to go and ask approval but use your good judgement skills because it is only going to benefit you in the future. You don’t need to post a sleazy picture to get 100 likes to get noticed, you have to a have a beautiful personality in reality and people will notice you naturally, if they don’t well it is their loss.

“….Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ~Dr. Suess