Is Enders Game worth your money?



I have read Enders Game and I highly enjoyed it, but to me and other movie-goers, the movie was a bit of a let down. This movie missed several important scenes that were required to make the movie a great one. Another thing was that the book took the time to develop characters while the movie rushed through and took no extra time to add detail. In my opinion, this movie may not be worth seeing if you are a die-hard fan of the book.


For the people that haven’t seen the movie, I would either recommend reading the book or watching the movie and not necessarily doing both. Reading a book and knowing what is coming next is not always the best experience, and seeing the movie after reading the book may disappoint you.


In my opinion I would rate this movie a 3 out of 5. This is because I really did not like the characters in the movie due to the poor character development, one up side to this movie was the awesome computer generated special effects, good acting done by Harrison Ford and lastly the rush through the story in the quick 114 minute movie. Overall this movie is worth their money for anybody who has not and does not plan to read the book.