What to do with your extra hour


It’s that time of year of again; the time when everyone runs around the house to adjust all their time pieces accordingly to the new hours of the day. Yes, it’s day light savings. As some may have realized, this past Sunday in Canada — except in Saskatchewan — the time for the day fell back one hour. For many people, that means one extra hour of sleep. But for others who just don’t know what to do, it begs the question. What should I do with that extra hour?

Well never fear, I am here. Here to give you advice on what to do with that sudden surplus of sunshine. This is the Falling Back an Hour List.


1. SLEEP. 

Something many of us truly deserve in our lives, but sometimes can never find enough time to accomplish. An extra hour of snoozing won’t hurt anyone. Many of us are simply too tired to even consider what to do with that extra hour. Fathoming an idea is just too much effort, effort that could be used to rejuvenate those braincells with some well deserved sleep. According to a study I just completely made up, sleep is great for your body and has a 60 per cent increase of your chances of looking better, being more happy, and reducing your chances of  having those horrible dreams of grapefruits again. Bottom line is, SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP!


They often say that reading is one of the most joyous activities that humans ever created. That may sound completely untrue and made up, but to be honest it really is. With an extra hour, you can devour maybe three more chapters of the novel you’ve been dying to know the ending to. Imagine, you sitting on your bed, the lights slowly dimmed. The moon light seeping through the windows, you begin to ponder upon what to do. As you slowly reach for your reading glasses and your earl grey tea, you turn the page of your favourite novel. Maybe some early Victorian Gothic or a American Classic, word by word, slowly captivating you. As the clock strikes 12, you decide to fall asleep, but suddenly, you remembered that it’s one hour gained, meaning you have an extra hour to finish that book.


With that extra hour gained, you can finally schedule in a marathon of your favourite film or show without risking your love of sleep. I totally understand how some people feel. There is a fine line between someone’s love of sleep and their love of their favourite fandoms. Never shall the two worlds meet or conflict with each other. But since to Day Light Savings, you can finally catch up on those recordings you took of the new seasons of Sherlock or American Horror Story. For those who are too cool for TV, you can watch the entire seasons of Community on Netflix. Regardless, pull up a couch, grab your pillows, and pop the popcorn cause it’s time for a marathon.


Writing is one of the most pensive, reflective, and relaxing moments of my day where I just clear my thoughts and sort out the clutter with the stroke of a pencil. For many pre-teens girls who got caught up in the Disney, pop-glam Kool Aid, writing a diary was one of the essential things that girls had to do. For guys, we’re too cool to write diaries, instead we write journals. Whatever the naming convention is, with that extra hour, you are given the opportunity to express yourself in one of the most ancient forms of expression. It doesn’t even have to be personal, it could be journal entries that go, “Dear Diary, I realized that Brittany is one of the fakest girls I’ve ever met.” Whatever your writing style, it’s great and one of the most cathartic things a person could do.


What better way to spend an extra hour than with some added internet surfing. For all those Tumblr, Twitter, or Facebook aficionados, we understand what an extra hour would give us. That’s added time to create gifs of fandoms, commenting the fifth time on your ex-boyfriend’s profile with his new girlfriend, or spending an extra 60 minutes of looking at pictures of cats in tuxedos. The possibilities are endless.