Robert Thirsk: a look into Calgary’s newest high school


Named after former CBE student and famous Canadian astronaut, Robert Thirsk, the school aims to explore, innovate and educate – three things that are near and dear to Thirsk. The school opens its doors today (Sept 3, 2013) to welcome 850 Grade 10 and 11 students (it can hold 1,500 at full capacity). There will be two food trucks beside the school at lunchtime which will serve meals for about $7.

One of Canada's most celebrated and prolific astronauts.
One of Canada’s most celebrated and prolific astronauts.

The principal Chris Meaden (formerly of Arbour Lake school) believes this high school, opening at the turn of the new age, will focus more on the digital arts and the trades…with teachers finding new and innovative ways to teach students (aptly dubbed the Comets) the curriculum (more smartboards, rather than blackboards).Aside from being brand spankin’ new, the school boasts a broadcast centre that includes a green screen, a state-of-the-art culinary kitchen, an art room hosting a kiln, a band room with brand-new instruments and a 230-seat theatre. The school colours attend to its namesake, being black, silver and blue.

The school will have 50 staff members starting out, and with its place on the hill overlooking the Rocky Mountains and being close to communities such as Arbour Lake, Hawkwood, Royal Oak, Citadel and Scenic Acres, it sure is off to a good start!

Featured image taken form a CTV news article.


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