Understanding LoL #2: Starting Items


Hello summoners! New to the game? Have no fear!

Understanding LoL (League of Legends) is a series of posts that I will create in the next few weeks talking about small aspects of the game rather than mechanics. This includes champions or items to buy. Today, we’re talking about starting items in the game.


Following the starting items that Riot tells you to build is usually a good idea, but since League is a constantly adapting and evolving game, the starting build that Riot gives you won’t always work. Read below as I explain the most common starting builds and how useful they are.

MS – Movement Speed.
Farming – The act of amassing gold (killing minions, champs, etc.)
Summoners – Short for Summoner Spells.
Ganking – Essentially the act of ambushing an enemy to kill them.
ADC – Attack Damage Carry.
AD/AP – Attack Damage/Ability Power.
MR – Magic Resist.
Trading – The act of taking and recieving damage (since you are “trading” damage), basically a skirmish.
Pots – Usually short for Health Pots since Mana Pots aren’t often bought. The Red/Blue Elixirs are not called Pots, they are called Elixirs.
Snowballing – Getting a huge advantage early game to “snowball” uncontrollably into late game.
Sustain – How much you can sustain yourself (ie. HP regeneration, armor, lifesteal, etc.)

Starting Item

Boots + 4 Pot

An okay start but MS isn’t needed early game because early game is all about farming. There’s not really anywhere to travel early and you can get to most places with just your base MS and summoners, so I would opt for a different build unless your champ already has damage, sustain and great ganking potential already (ie. Renekton.)

Cloth Armor + 5 Pot

A fairly safe build for champions going Top OR in some cases, such as against an AD assassin, Mid. This start is what most beginners should choose. The Cloth Armor can be built into a lot of useful items and you get a ton of sustain with 5 pots.

Doran’s Blade

The go-to build for all ranged ADC’s. You should always be building this on every single ranged ADC to win trades and farm safely with the passive. One of the best starting and filler items in the game. You can also choose to build this on some AD’s if you feel aggressive.

Doran’s Ring + 2 Pot

Not a very commonly seen start because Mid Lane doesn’t have as many early game fights and trades as in Bot Lane. When playing in Mid, you should opt for other builds that will get you into Mid Game safer, but Doran’s Ring + 2 Pot has decent sustain and can win you some early trades if needed.

Doran’s Shield + 1 Pot

Not really a good start. The health it gives is easily trumped by the much cheaper and efficient health pots in other builds. The damage block is very rarely used and the Doran’s Blade is usually much better in terms of sustain. You should only build this on certain champions such as Garen who already begin with great damage and sustain.

Crystalline Flask + Ward + 3 Pot

One of the best starts if you think you’re going to get dominated in lane. This build is more commonly seen in Top because it is one of the more dangerous lanes to play in because it is very vulnerable to ganks and early game harassment, but is still a very beginner friendly build that can be used in other lanes.

Machete + 5 Pot

You usually always want to build this if you’re jungling (with an exception of some other champions like Hecarim) because it gives you sustain, damage and builds into other jungler friendly items. Completely useless anywhere else besides Jungle however.

Red Elixir + 3 Pot

Extremely aggressive and risky build. Never build this if you’re not confident in killing your enemy – the Red Elixir is for snowballing your lane and if you can’t get at least two or three kills on your enemy, you have wasted your gold. Usually seen Top Lane.

Special Mentions: Ruby Crystal, Sapphire Crystal + 2 Pot (only works for Ryze-ish), Null Magic Mantle + 2 Pot, Blue Elixir + 2 Pot, any combination of Mana Pots, Health Pots and Wards, Brawlers Glove + 2 Pot (only works for Tryndamere-ish), Long Sword/Amplifying Tome + 2 Pot (only works if your going stack items and you know you can pull it off)

Don’t build these.

Support Builds:
Visit a guide for your favorite support at Solomid.net or LoLpro and copy their starting builds. They’re usually a Regen Bead/Faerie Charm and a combination of Sight Wards, Vision Wards and Pots, but there isn’t really an exact static order.


Hopefully this has given you some insight into the many varieties of starting builds you can buy at the beginning of the game. Determine which one is best for your current situation, and your early game will be that much better.

Just a decent League player that’s been playing for three to four years.  Gold in Season 2, Gold in Season 3 due to laziness. Add Melonscoop if you wish.