Those Awareness Events in 2013 – Canada’s Parks Day

None other than the amazing lake Louise!
Lake Louise it is!

Now now, what is this thing you speak of? – July 20th (this Saturday) is home to Canada’s Parks Day, a commemoration of our National and Provincial Parks. Over 3% of the country’s land mass is comprised of National Parks, with the first one of course being Banff. The third National Park established in the world is further complemented by four other National Parks and 5oo Provincial Parks that account for around 12% of Alberta’s land area. Hosted by the Canadian Parks Council on every third Saturday in July since 1990, these getaways are promoted especially to encourage us all to venture out into the heart of nature.

Awesome Commemoration Stories – On Friday, July 19th, the CN Tower will light up in green, blue, and yellow at night so to welcome this awareness day. Be sure to watch for updates on this post as photos are released on the interweb!

Taken at the Kicking Horse Resort. 🙂

Focal Local Highlight – The main deal is to head out to our parks! You can view what Parks Canada has planned for celebrations that day at national parks across the country here. Similarly, Alberta Parks has a listing of activities at participating provincial parks here.

What ACTIONS you may take – 

  • Head out into nature! Take a part in the celebrations mentioned above and make it an outdoor day.
  • Tweet with the hashtag #ParksDay!
  • Make it an insightful celebration by getting in the know about the state of our parks –  The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPWS) has released their annual report ; check out a summary here and take a read at the Herald’s report on Tuesday here.

You know my final word – I think you know it already – do it in whatever capacity you can! 🙂

Raftin’ down the Sunwapta in Jasper National Park. 🙂

On a side note, the other puzzle pieces to my Awareness Day series can be located here!