10 tips for better blogging


The great thing about blogging is that it is so personal- no one gets to grade you or tell you that what you’re doing is wrong. However, because it is so personal and open, ideas and individual style can come difficult. The following list I’ve compiled has personally helped me draw inspiration and become a better blogger as a whole.


1) If you’re stuck on trying to get an idea of what to write about, jot down anything you observe throughout the day- whether it be an interesting term or concept that your teacher mentioned in class, or something your friend talked about, every little details observed can be turned into post. Becoming more aware of your surroundings will help you to not only be more conscious of your environment, but also may help to spark inspiration for a blog.

2) Expose yourself to the lovely world of the internet. Whenever I’m absolutely dead for ideas, I visit websites across all genres, including journals, tabloids, humor sites-  just about anything, really. It’s surprising how much a single post or comment from particular site can spark creativity.

3) Never, ever force it. Trust me, I’ve forced some blogs just for the sake of writing a blog, and it’s instantaneously recognizable when the writer is forcing the words. There is a particular style that readers will pick up about a writer, and often times, a change in style will easily show through. This change can stem from blog posts that just don’t come naturally. To avoid forcing a post, keep in mind that blogging is supposed to be fun (don’t treat it like work), and only blog when you’re in the mood for it. In other words, manage your time and break up writing your posts into small sessions of time rather than trying to cram a post in a set or limited time frame.

4) Go for quality, not quantity. This has probably been mentioned thousands of times for numerous things, but the truth of this applies to blogging as well. If you’re trying to fill up a page solely with the purpose of having lengthy text, readers may get bored of your content. Remember that sometimes, shorter posts will help capture attention the easiest.

Credit: http://technorati.com/social-media/article/on-corporate-blogging-interview-with-don/

5) Try outlining your key points or ideas that for your post before writing it. This can actually help reduce unwanted or unneeded bluffing and actually helps you to get straight to the point.

6) Treat blogging like a hobby, not a job. As mentioned previously, once you view blogging on a more stress free level, it does become a lot easier and a lot more natural.

7) Keeping a personal tone is important when you’re trying to connect with the reader, especially when blogging casually. Of course, this depends on the subject of your blog, so adjust your tone appropriately in terms of the topic at hand. However,  try to retain your writing to a style just slightly above the formality of the tone you would use in everyday conversation.

8) Format your blog in a way that doesn’t make it look too text heavy or long. Yes, I am guilty of not doing this and I always end up formatting my posts in the most boring, unattractive ways- but I’m working on it. An easy and accessible layout will stay well with a reader’s first impression and invite them to read further.

9) Don’t contemplate too much on everything you write. Obviously, proof reading and sensible decision making while writing a post are both important, but sometimes pondering on one sentence or phrase too long will lead to doubt whether it should be included or not. Many times, these sentences are the most casual and impromptu, and changing or omitting them could take away from the originality your piece may have. Sometimes, the instantaneous and most spontaneous ideas are the most interesting, so don’t second guess yourself too much.

10) Have fun! Totally cliche, but totally important. A reader will be able to tell when a writer’s having fun versus when they’re not. Keeping a good attitude helps you to write better posts, and ultimately, lead to more success with your blog.