REDLast Tuesday, the Epcor Centre presented an insightful and enchanting performance called Red. I was with Youth Central, volunteering for the event and had the fortunate opportunity to watch the show live. There was an excited atmosphere and the fans were most definitely anticipating the show! I know I was!

SPOILER ALERT – Stop reading here if you don’t want any plot details!

Red, was about a young artist that was hired to assist a famous painter Mark Rothko. They both went through emotional highs and lows working with each other, they got into heated arguments, had hilarious moments and had random but heartfelt conversations. The experienced and famous painter Mark Rothko, was afraid of black because he felt as though it represented death and red was a bold colour representing life, yet his intern found it to be hypocritical. The intern himself went through a tragedy at a very young age. His parents died of cold-blooded murder and he found them in the bedroom stained with red blood, which taunted him and his art for the rest of his life. Their morals and values clashed, yet they put up with each other everyday. Towards the end they got into a gigantic fall out regarding where Mark Rothko was selling his work, and how hypocritical it was because it disregarded the artist’s own ethics. They both basically brought each other back in line and balanced each other out. Sadly, in the end the intern left to start his own career, but the memories of his days assisting the one and only, Mark Rothko, would forever remain close to his heart.

This play was also quite hilarious and gave us comedy relief, it had everything within it: Drama, Suspense, Comedy and LOVE for Red. I have to say this was one of the best plays I have ever seen. This play has also won a Tony Award and this screen play has been written by John Logan. If I were given the opportunity to rate this play I would definitely give it all five stars! <3