The Broken Bus, another of life’s beauties


This weekend my family and I went to Fernie B.C. I love the beauty of the mountains and the landscape of B.C. so I decided to go for a walk and take pictures of it. Of course, instead, I got hung up on this cool, derelict old bus thats been planted in a field next to the train tracks for as long as I can remember. I had every intention of continuing on to photograph different things but my camera decided to die instead (I suppose thats what I get for neglecting it’s battery for six months), here’s some of what I got before it did:



Broken glass can be so beautiful. It just goes to show that even in destruction some beauty can be found.



I love how there’s even some moss growing on the rusted end of the bus, in an environment where civilization decays nature flourishes.



Apparently the people who decided to smash up the bus were pretty angry people; all the windows, lights and mirrors on the bus were all like this.


Did I mention there’s also graffiti covering the bus? Although it’s vandalism, it makes the bus look like an field art installation, rather then a forgotten piece of the past, especially with all the smashed windows and considering how cool and old, “retro,” the bus is. Who needs an art gallery when you have everyday life?


  1. To see beauty in a broken down rusty bus and a piece of glass is truly a gift. Hang on to it. Not many people are so blessed.

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