Essential items all girls need in their closet


Whether you’re a fashion guru or someone who prefers comfort (although I believe you can be both fashionable and comfortable), this is my list for the staple items you need in your closet, categorized for you!


1. Tank top or bandeau

No matter what occasion it is, if you ever have a low-cut shirt or dress it would be nice to dress modestly! So invest in at least one tank top (I suggest getting white and black), or if you don’t want an extra layer then go for a bandeau; if you go for something lacy, your outfit will definitely have an extra ‘wow’ factor!

2. Cardigan or light sweater

A lot of the times I just want to wear a cute shirt but feel like a sweater would ruin the outfit. So I go for something flattering! Cardigans are wonderful for those semi-cool days where you want to cover up, but not get dragged down by layers. You can never go wrong with a black cardigan, almost everything in your wardrobe would match them!

3. Comfortable zip-up or hoodie

For days where you just want to be comfortable, a zip-up or hoodie just warms you up like nothing else. You can definitely find some cute sweaters from the colors or design. Take the risk of getting an animal-inspired hoodie (preferably not made out of an animal…)

4. A t-shirt

T-shirts are awesome! They come in so many colors, designs and are extremely versatile (tuck them in, match them with pretty much anything you desire). Plus they’re the most common types of shirts when it comes to merchandise from a TV show, movie, band, and so forth!

5. A dress

Or at least a flow-y shirt. For days when you just want to feel cute…or want to dress up for a special night out, you should always be prepared with at least one dress!


1. A skirt

Whether it be a pencil skirt or a flow-y one, all girls should snap a skirt. If you’re self-conscious about showing off your skin, then why not grab some…

2. Tights or leggings

I recommend wearing something over these, unless you want to show off your bottoms. Something thick enough to cover you and warm you up, but also thin enough to wear underneath other things (skirts, shorts, a long top, dress), is important to have!

3. A pair of good jeans

Whatever purpose your pair of jeans serve, all girls need at least a pair. They are probably the most popular article of clothing, anyways. So why not invest in a good pair? You could grab $10 ones from other places, but the colors usually fade and the fit isn’t always the best. Come on, you deserve to strut your stuff!

4. Comfortable pants

Whether it be for working out, staying at home, or just relaxing wherever; comfortable pants is an absolute must!

5. Stockings

For those days when tights are just too much for you; stockings are a great item to have! You can go with solid colors, or try a crazy design like fishnet stockings!


1. A functional scarf

By functional, I do not mean those extremely thin ones that are just for accessorizing; I mean for those days when you’re a bit chilly but do not want to add too many layers to your outfit. Seriously, a great scarf can really make your outfit pop!

2. Handbag or small back pack

For days when you want to go out and relax, you don’t want to carry around your school bag. So find a cute bag where you can store your essentials and

3. Some kind of necklace, bracelet or ring

I fidget a lot, so I like to have at least one thing to play around with while waiting for people. Even though these are small accessories, they can really change an outfit from plain to amazing! Go for a necklace that falls nicely above your neckline or a long one over a solid-colored top.

Don’t like necklaces? Your wrists can be bare and finding some bangles or a leather bracelet will definitely make a difference to your outfit. Or simply go for rings! There are so many possibilities to choose from!

4. Hair clips or a cute hat

When you’re having a bad hair day, hats can definitely spice up your style. They’re also very functional as they can cover your ears from the cold or provide shade from the sunny days. If you’re afraid of getting hat hair, then find some cute clips to make a simple hairstyle more colorful!

5. A belt

Thin, thick, long or functional belts are a must for the wardrobe! You don’t want to go out with pants falling down…or something plain that could have been otherwise accessorized, do you?

So, what do you think about this list? Feel free to suggest some more or voice out your disapproval! If you find this blog useful, then let me know! I may create some more ‘essential’ lists for you…