Those Awareness Events in 2013 – Youth Science Month


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Since 2002, March has been designated the “Youth Science Month“. Here’s my first exception to the name of this series! (But how can you manage to be totally Science-y just in a short day?)

Supported by many community leaders, such as our MPs, MLAs, councillors, and other figures, March was chosen for this purpose as usually the number of Science fairs held reach the peak during this time. It’s worth celebrating for those students who take time to achieve something in Science. I for one am SURE that I won’t get anything done in Physics.

I’m sure we’ve all done a volcano model for a Science fair (and if you haven’t, here’s a cool instruction from emchelle on Youtube)

Now is the time to take it further!

This year, two BC students won fourth place respectively their category in the Taiwan International Science Fair. That’s pretty amazing if you ask me.

This month is an exciting one as we prepare locally for the big Calgary Youth Science Fair in April and nationally the Canada-Wide Science Fair in May, held in Lethbridge this year. This is the time that we value events to display talent like the ones in this article on YAA.

Here’s a interview with the Chief Judge of that event for this year on Alberta Primetime:

If you’re not a Science student, that’s okay. I’ve never been a creative person when doing Science fair projects either (I’m more of a Social issues person as you can see), yet I envy those who do achieve something with experiments and determination.

It’s no rocket science to figure out science!