Awesome books not enough people know about


Photo on 13-02-12 at 6.55 PM #3

Escaping to another world, making friends with fictional characters, and learning how to face life’s obstacles are all key aspects that make us love literature. However, many of us are trapped in a small bubble of well-known books, but really, there are sooooooo many great books out there, so look beyond the common trends! Before I get to my list, I’ll make something clear: the Hunger Games, The Fault in our Stars, Divergent, Uglies, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Percy Jackson, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, and other popular books are great and many are truly works of art! But there are so many other masterpieces out there, so explore my list and expand your horizons!

*click the titles and they’ll lead you to the book’s page on goodreads*

  1. Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder – I’m actually really surprised this novel isn’t popular, as it is such a fantastically written book with such a fantastic plot, and it really fits the common trends in YA books. The world created is stellar, and the characters really bring to life the society!
  2. Ten Miles Past Normal by Frances O’Roark Dowell – Going into this book, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but in the end, it was a very rewarding read. It was a light, cute story, but was still very intriguing and had strong literary elements. And… I was actually satisfied by the ending! Yay! Not a depressing ending like so many books! (*cough*cough*Mockingjay*cough*) 
  3. A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass – If you read the summary for this one, it may not sound as interesting as other books, but if you actually read the book, it is unbelievable how supernatural and yet realistic her life is. I say this because her condition seems so unreal and unearthly, yet her character and emotions are so relatable!  One of my favourite favourites. 🙂
  4. The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester – For high school peeps, you may not be so interested in this one, as it is a bit more juvenile. However, I’m still recommending it because it blew me away! The depth of imagination, creativity, and supernatural elements is superb and I was really tied in, especially because of an insane, mind-blowing plot twist!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Radiance by Alyson Noel – First of all, I’ll admit that I wasn’t absolutely completely blown away by the first book, but there are 3 more in the series. I have yet to read them, but my friends who have read them LOVED. What I did like about the first book was how much it opened my imagination and let my mind feel free. 🙂
  6. Blood Red Road by Moira Young – My friends have gone on and on about how great this book is and how I have to read it, and finally I have began! I’m only a couple pages in, but even already, the plot and setting is really intense and intriguing. There is a sequel, but my buddies say its a bit of a let down.
  7. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder – I guess this is cheating, as I haven’t read this one yet. But… I had to put this on the list, as my reading-crazy friends who have read it thought it was absolutely amazing, and have given it a spot up with their overall favourites!

This list is just a start! Check out your local library, bookstore, and get an account on to explore different books!