If Edward Scissorhands was a Tailor…


Now many know how trends are set, but in this case, I guess the main concept is the difference between the terms ‘torn’ and ‘artistically torn’. Cut-out tops are so cool, too bad the weather these days won’t allow for it to be worn outdoors. Nonetheless though, these cut-out shirts are found in practically every store.

Cross patterned cut-out topskull cut-out

Although the cut-out tops displayed in windows of Forever 21 are nice, it’s not often that you find such creative designs lying around. Not to mention that the REALLY creative ones are almost always overpriced. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could make these patterns by yourself? Well guess what, you can! And it’s extremely easy too! (Trust me; if someone as artistically impaired as me can do it, so can you.) All you’ll need are a pair of scissors, a chalk marker, and an old t-shirt.


First, use the chalk marker to outline where your cuts are going to be. I suggest starting out with simple horizontal lines on the back of your shirt to test how well it goes.

cut-out top

Cut along the lines until you have the right effect, and then gently stretch the fabric at the lines you’ve cut out.

For more tutorials on how to make your own cut-out top, visit http://www.ipsy.com/look/l-h68g885xzej1gj/DIY_Cut_it_Out. Have fun, and good luck!