Sip a Cup of Joy with Christmas’ Coffee Specialties


Christmastime, the perfect time of year for baking gingerbread men, decorating your Christmas tree, and spending cherished time with family and friends. After a fulfilling afternoon of skating, tobogganing, or simply going for a wintry stroll, the best thing to do is have a nice hot drink, and a festive one at that. This season, no longer will you be sipping simple plain hot cocoa, as many coffeehouses are introducing their Christmas specials.

One of the most popular coffee-shops in the Western world, Starbucks, has four different Christmas beverages to choose from. The Caramel Brule Latte, Eggnog Latte, Peppermint Mocha (which also comes in “skinny”, for those watching their waistlines during this sweet-filled time of year), and my favourite, the Gingerbread Latte.

The Gingerbread Latte is the perfect Christmas treat, one I enjoy sipping on my frantic present-sprees through the mall. I’m through and through a spice person, in anything, so the ginger-y flavour entwined with the rich coffee flavour is perfect. Also, the nutmeg sprinkled whipped cream on top adds a tasty touch, but one that does not overwhelm the drink.

However, the tastiness of a drink is not solely determined by one person’s opinion. My friend loves the Caramel Brule Latte, and raved about it to the extent I simply had to try it. Was it as delicious and mouthwatering as she had said, and as much as I had

The Gingerbread Latte

anticipated? No, not even close. Although the drink was not disappointing, I found it was much too sweet, and the caramel overwhelmed the other flavours in the beverage. That being said, she didn’t find my favourite, the Gingerbread Latte, nearly as exciting as her choice. My suggestion? Try them all, and find your favourite!

My biggest complaint with Starbucks drinks, especially the Christmas/holiday ones, is the price. A medium (“grande”) Gingerbread Latte is almost $5 dollars! That’s a lot for a daily coffee! My suggestion here? Save the Starbucks Christmas drinks for special occasions or outings; I keep mine to at most one a week.

If you are in need of a festive beverage, but don’t have the funds to buy one (let’s face it, Christmas presents can be  pricey) you can always try making one at home. An Eggnog Latte would be easy enough to recreate; simply add some steamed eggnog to your morning coffee. Also, a lot of tea companies put out holiday blends, making a coffee and putting one of these teabags in for a couple minutes will add a holiday spice to your drink.

So make your taste-buds as merry as you are with a holiday coffee this season!