Give FUN This Halloween!


Ever heard of a game called Plants vs Zombies? It’s a wonderful tower defense action game created by PopCap that involves your skills of placing different plants to prevent zombies from invading! Sounds interesting enough, right? Well, what if you had the opportunity to give this game for free to all of the children who visit your house this week?

The American Dental Association and PopCap has teamed up to give a sugar-free treat to kids: a free downloadable coupon that’s valid until November 10. I think this is a wonderful opportunity to show families how awesome games (and especially zombies) can be! Plusyou’ll get bonus points for being that house that gives something extra special to kids this Halloween.

And if that hasn’t convinced you to dig out your printer, then watch this awesome music video that makes the germs in your mouth…adorable.

[youtube PakDzaJZR8o]