Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog to Debut on TV


Do you love Joss Whedon? Do you love Nathan Fillion? Felicia Day? Neil Patrick Harris?! And most of all…do you love musicals?

Because on Tuesday, October 9, the 45-minute film will debut on The CW 9:00 PM Eastern Time (for those who live in Calgary that’s 8:00 for you!)

Whedon, his two brothers and his wife created the 2008 three-part musical tragicomedy miniseries for the web during the 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America strike. “Dr. Horrible” tells the story of aspiring supervillain Dr. Horrible (Harris), his nemesis Captain Hammer (Fillion) and the woman they both love Penny (Day). The little miniseries that could was a huge hit with members of the Whedonverse and critics.

– Huffingston Post TV via this article

It will be amazing and if you haven’t watched this already (available on Youtube and Netflix) then book that night off and get ready to be entertained! And for those loyal fans, do not fret: A sequel has been in the works for quite some time and it won’t be long until it comes out! So as a NPH fan, I will end this off with a lovely quote from Barney: ““It’s gonna be legend-… wait for it… and I hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!””


  1. you have not seen this? you have not lived! Check it out! (I’ll be posting things on the movie on Twitter as I go for this special occasion haha! @CelebrtyOvrload)

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