Video of the Day: 7 year old jams to the Foo Fighters


People are talented. In different ways, but everyone has something going for them. Some people can do math faster than a calculator, others can take an engine apart and put it back together faster than you can say “ignition.” Then, there’s Jaxon Smith, a 7-year-old with quite the story of his own. Given birth to when his mother was 25 weeks pregnant, Jaxon was born weighing a mere one pound. From there, however, Jaxon jumped onto an upward trajectory – Jaxon grew into a healthy child, and from as young as the age of one, was tapping away, making beats with kitchen utensils. His passion for drumming was heightened, I’m sure, when Pearl Jam’s vocalist noticed Jaxon doing some air drumming at a concert, and gave him a handwritten setlist as a memoir. Now, take some time to check out this awesome drum cover of the Foo Fighters’ The Pretender.

*Cover image courtesy of the Edmonton Post via Kevin Smith

[youtube zyWaEHZjeUs]