Photos of the Day: The Journey to Heroism


Regardless of what people may think of the politics behind the wars that nations fight, something that no one can question is the bravery that the soldiers on the front lines exhibit. These men and women put their lives on the line time and time again, fighting for a cause that they believe in. However, life is not a video game – the journey that these soldiers is a long and gruelling one. Pictures are said to speak a thousand words, so take a look at the essay to see the journey that Ian Fisher took through a deeper perspective. (Courtesy of Denver Post)

Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Mr. Fisher takes the Oath of Enlistment
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Private Fisher gets his army t-shirts
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
The first tastes of basic training
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Everyone finds ways of staying loose
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Finished with training, Private Fisher moves to his barracks
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Some battles are just as hard as those on the field
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Boarding the plane to Iraq
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Christmas in foreign land?
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Prepping for an escort mission
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Safe return home
Captured Blog: Ian Fisher
Celebrating a hero

For the full collection, make sure to check out the Denver Post’s American Soldier feature!