YouTube’s Best


You’ve heard from me before that YouTube can make a person famous. Well, now, I have some proof of some videos that have gone all around the world and have stocked up with millions of views. Here are the most viewed videos of 2009 on YouTube:

1. Susan Boyle – singer – Britain’s Got Talent : 206,187,489 views           11. : 11,156,789

2. Twilight New Moon Saga (official trailer) : 71,963,678 views                 12. Her Morning Elegance/Oren Lavie : 10,047,086

3. Lady Gag – Bad Romance (official video) : 37,679,504 views                 13. I’m Yours (ukulele) : 9,006,740

4. David after dentist : 46,308,504 views                                                   14. Goodbye Twitter : 7,538,787

5. JK Wedding Entrance Dance : 38,290, 378 views                                    15. Manda meu Chip Pedro : 5,483,912

6. Evian Live Young – Baby Roller : 35,730,986 views                                 16. 8-Bit Stop Motion Trip With Legos: 4,693,559

7. 2012 (Trailer) : 23m263m878 views                                                       17. LIPDUB – I Gotta Feeling : 3,886,640

8. Suprised Little Kitten : 19,946,705 views                                                18. Social Media Revolution : 1,214,914

9. Playing For Change Song Around the World –                                         19.Did You Know 4.0 : 891,000

Stand By Me : 16,695,191 views

10.The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody : 13,217,669 views                         20.Google Wave Cinema: Pulp Fiction: 77,535


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